  • 注册会计师
  • 政府财务经理
  • 企业主
  • 企业会计 
  • 内部审计人员
  • 银行审单人员 
  • 研究生院
  • 法学院


Have a passion for mathematics, interpreting and analyzing information and are detail-oriented.


Coursework in mathematics, communication, economics and business. 通过社区实习获得实践经验.


  • 审计师
  • 税务会计
  • 欺诈调查员
  • 财务经理
  • 国家审计
  • 国内税收代理人


The accounting major offered by the 商学院 prepares students for entry-level positions in public accounting, 公司会计, 政府会计和法务(欺诈)会计. The accounting curriculum includes accounting and business courses with a wide range of other courses selected to help develop well-rounded, 受过良好教育的大学毕业生. Computer and information systems courses give students the ability to apply accounting knowledge using computers—a very important skill in today’s business environment. Courses in other areas of business help students understand how their work relates to marketing, 管理与财务.

North Dakota law requires that persons who sit for the 注册会计师 (CPA) professional examination must have completed 150 semester hours of college education. Students can meet this requirement through a combination of the undergraduate accounting major and the Master of Accountancy (MAcc.乐虎电子提供的学位.

在会计行业取得成功, an individual should have a solid mathematical background and be able to interpret information. Good communication skills are essential to be able to present information to others. Interpersonal skills and the ability to work with others are also important.


会计可以在公共会计部门找到一份工作, 管理, 私营企业, 政府或其他非营利性会计, 学术或法务会计. Therefore, the employment opportunities for an accountant are many and varied. In addition, some students use accounting as a pre-law program.

The most familiar professional designation in accounting is the CPA. Achieving this certification involves passing a comprehensive examination and meeting other requirements set by each state. 注册会计师提供审计服务, 为企业提供税务和咨询服务, 其他组织和公众.

Management accountants are employed by a single enterprise to perform services such as measuring and controlling costs or budgeting. These specialists may earn the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certificate.

Internal auditors are concerned with determining whether the auditee is following prescribed organizational policies and procedures along with safeguarding organizational assets. The Certified 内部审计人员 (CIA) is the professional designation of these accountants.

An accountant may also work in the area of governmental or not‑for‑profit accounting. Governmental accountants work for federal, state or local government agencies. The duties of governmental accountants include the control of tax revenues and expenditures. 完善-非利益组织, 比如慈善机构和大学, 还需要会计的服务.

Forensic accounting is a rapidly growing area of accounting concerned with the detection, investigation and prevention of fraud and white-collar crimes. A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is a specialist in the detection and/or deterrence of a wide variety of fraudulent conduct—from discovering employees or executives who misappropriate company assets to assisting investors who are defrauded in the course of commercial transactions.

Accountants also are employed in the academic sector to teach accounting courses, conduct research and write educational materials such as textbooks.


会计 majors are able to gain experience at professional level jobs through the 会计 Practicum (Internship). Students usually take their 会计 Internship during the final two years of the program.

Students fulfill the three-credit practicum requirement through a semester-long, 全职工作安排. Students must consult with their faculty advisor and obtain approval prior to enrolling in the practicum through NDSU's Career and Advising Center.


Students who wish to study accounting at NDSU enroll as pre-accounting majors in the 商学院 for the first semester of their freshman year. Pre-accounting majors are then admitted into the major after completing the pre-major courses required for program admission (i.e., ENGL 120, COMM 110, MATH 144, ECON 201 or 202, and PSYC 111 or SOC 110) and earning a minimum 2.5累积绩点. Transfer students with appropriate course work may be admitted directly into the major. Please see a 商学院 professional advisor for more information.