Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Agribusiness Manager
  • Agricultural Policy Analyst
  • Agricultural Loan Officer
  • Crop Insurance Agent
  • Operations Supervisor
  • Agricultural Compliance Officer
  • Agricultural Commodities Trader

For individuals who

是否对农业感兴趣并认识到农业的重要性, the food industry, agricultural analytics, economic theory and policy.

Looking for

侧重于农业分析方面的学位,侧重于商业管理, 农业产业的营销和经济驱动力.

To become

  • Agribusiness Sales Manager
  • Farm and Ranch Manager
  • Rural Appraiser or Crop Adjuster
  • Property Management Coordinator
  • Management Analyst

The Program

农业经济学课程强调决策, 技术专长和沟通,重点是农业和食品工业. 学生通过课程学习和农业实践经验被训练成决策者, analytical and communication skills, team building, 经济理论与农业政策.

农业经济学课程是灵活的. 学生可以选修农业综合企业和乐虎集团经济学系的必修课程, 以及校园里的其他项目. 鼓励计划从事农业生产的学生参加作物和畜牧科学课程, 农业系统或其他与生产相关的课程. 想在食品行业工作的学生可以选择食品科学和食品安全课程, transportation or business. 希望从事农业教育工作的学生, 交流或推广可以增加生产农业的课程, 对他们的项目进行教育或交流. 通过与他们的学术顾问合作, 农业经济学的学生可以选择让他们对可再生能源感兴趣的课程, risk management, rural economic development, 财政和自然资源管理. 无论学生选择选修课程, 农业经济学课程包含向学生介绍经济理论的共同核心课程, farm management, agricultural finance, crop and livestock marketing, quantitative methods, 以及对农业至关重要的法律和政策.

农业综合企业和乐虎集团经济系还提供农业综合企业和经济学的主要和次要课程. 学生应参考农业综合企业和经济情况说明书.

The Faculty

本系现有教职工20人,从事教学、研究和推广工作. 我们的教师获得了许多著名的教学和研究奖项, including the Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award; the Fargo Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Professorship Award; the Chancellor’s Award for Academic Leadership; the Western Agricultural Economics Association’s Outstanding Educator Award; the Premier Forecaster Award; the Eugene R. Dahl Excellence in Research Award, Senior Faculty; and the Teaching Award of Merit from the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. 教师的专业知识在广泛的专业领域各不相同, including agricultural marketing, production, natural resource management, economic development, trade, finance, cooperatives and agricultural law.

Career Opportunities

Agricultural economics graduates have become loan officers; managers of farm supply, equipment firms and grain elevators; sales representatives with chemical, seed, feed and fertilizer companies; economists with state and federal agencies; and commodity merchandisers. 大约30%的毕业生选择务农和放牧. 而许多毕业生留在北达科他州或明尼苏达州, 其他人则在全国和世界各地开始职业生涯.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Several $500 to $1,每年秋季学期,优秀的新生可以获得1000美元的奖学金. 奖学金也适用于转学生和已经在乐虎电子农业综合企业项目学习的学生.


农业、食品系统和自然资源学院每年颁发奖学金. 有关奖学金的更多信息,请访问:

Student loan, 助学金和勤工俭学信息可从财政援助和奖学金办公室或一站式.