Projected Regional Growth
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemical Regulation
  • Cosmeceutical Scientist
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine
  • Public Health Official 
  • 质量控制
  • 研究员

For individuals who

Have an interest in understanding the chemical world. Want a flexible science degree that can fit their personal and professional goals. 


A flexible degree that can be used for multiple paths post-graduation. 研究 opportunities. 


  • Chemical Regulation
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Forensic Scientist
  • 质量控制
  • 研究员

乐虎电子的化学本科专业及其专业选择为个人成就和专业培训提供了机会,这是许多大学通常无法提供的. Faculty teach all major courses. Students use state‑of‑the‑art instrumentation in their laboratory courses. 许多学生参与了学院研究小组的基础和乐虎集团研究,并获得了只有研究生才能获得的成长经历. 未来的中学化学和科学教师可以参加有监督的实验室教学和同伴指导计划.

Background Information

工业和研究生院都很清楚新大的本科教育质量,并积极寻找我们的毕业生. 奖学金, 在研究小组或受监督的教学活动中获得奖学金和就业机会,可以将NDSU本就不多的教育成本削减一半或更多.


化学和生物化学系是由美国化学会(ACS)完全认可的,并提供导致ACS认证的理学学士学位的课程. 在生物化学或涂料和高分子材料的选项可以添加到课程. A pre-professional option for those planning on medical, dental and other professional schools is also available. 化学专业可以与中学教师资格证相结合,只需一个学期的学生教学.

规定的课程通过课堂和实验室工作为化学的所有主要领域提供坚实的基础. 主要的实验课程旨在利用最新的合成和表征方法,并采用先进的, computer-interfaced instrumentation.

我们的专业预科课程包括生物和生化科学课程,很容易满足医学的要求, dental and other health‑related professional schools. A chemistry major offers rigorous pre-professional education, as well as a back-up option in case career plans change in the future.

研究 Opportunities

Almost every chemistry faculty member is heavily involved in forefront research, and undergraduates are encouraged to participate in that research. 学生获得重要的技能,并暴露在寻找新知识的兴奋. This research experience often helps students define career goals more sharply.

Career Opportunities

人们通常认为专业化学家是站在工业实验室工作台前小心翼翼地操作化学品或仪器的人. A lot of chemists are employed this way. 这通常是相当令人满意的,因为许多人被化学所吸引,因为他们喜欢实验室工作. 有, 然而, many other tasks besides laboratory research in which a chemist may engage, and many different careers for which he or she can prepare for a degree in chemistry. A chemist may be employed in government, business, industry or education. Besides basic and applied research (the lab bench), an industrial chemist may be involved in production, technical service (assisting people who use products), national and international marketing and sales, or management and corporate planning. Some chemists prefer self‑employment through small business or consulting firms.

一家化学公司需要分析化学家为其他部门提供服务, for quality control in large and small concerns, and for environmental monitoring by industrial, governmental and private organizations. 有机化学家,也有很大的需求,研究新的药物,聚合物和其他化合物. 所有高科技行业都需要材料化学家的合成和表征技能. Inorganic chemists work on the full range of synthesis, characterization and application of chemical compounds. Physical chemists model chemical structures and reactions, and design experiments and equipment to study them. 化学和生物化学系在这些领域提供专门的教育和培训.

A degree in chemistry can serve as excellent preparation for careers in medicine, dentistry and other health professions. A chemistry degree also can lead to law school, and perhaps a career in patent law, a very demanding and in‑demand technical profession. 乐虎电子 half of NDSU's chemistry graduates go on to graduate or professional schools. Almost all the rest go directly into industry. 根据2016年的数据,化学专业毕业生的平均入门工资为45,300美元至81,400美元 www.payscale.com. 对于拥有高等学位的化学家来说,薪水和机会往往要大得多.

Faculty and Facilities

The Department of 化学 and Biochemistry has 17 faculty members. All of the faculty have doctorate degrees from leading universities.

化学和生物化学系的大部分教学和研究设施都位于杉原楼, which opened in 2022. Some additional teaching laboratories are located in the A. Glenn Hill Center, and biochemistry research labs are in the Quentin Burdick Building. Students are trained in the use of state‑of‑the‑art equipment, some of which is duplicated at only a few sites in the world. 一些本科生被训练使用几种强大而复杂的激光系统, and some have even built lasers that were put directly to work on research projects. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, x射线衍射和荧光是人们期望在任何主要研究型大学找到的最新技术. 理论化学研究人员使用一些最强大的计算机在NDSU校园.

High School Preparation

理想的高中化学专业包括四年的英语和数学课程, and a year each of biology, chemistry and physics. Experience with personal computers is also desirable. 良好的写作和沟通能力对于在化学领域取得成功和在任何技术领域一样重要.


一些捐赠奖学金和研究金提供给高素质的申请人. 涂料和高分子材料系为对涂料和高分子材料专业感兴趣的化学专业学生提供行业资助的奖学金和研究金. 除了, 化学专业一半以上的学生从事研究工作,并赚取很大一部分生活费. 研究经验的财政支持主要由教师研究人员的赠款和合同提供, various summer 研究 Experiences for 本科s (SURE) programs, and national scholarship and fellowship programs, such as the Goldwater Foundation. 自1992年以来, nine students in the department have been awarded Goldwater Fellowships, which cover all educational expenses. 对中学教学感兴趣的学生有额外的资助机会担任实验室助教和被称为补充指导的同伴辅导项目的讨论领袖. 这些职位不仅提供了帮助支付会议费用的机会,而且还为简历增添了相关经验.