Projected Regional Growth
  • Public Health 营养ist
  • Clinical 营养师
  • 健康教练
  • Children's 营养师
  • Food Service Director
  • Government and Community Health Advisor
  • New Product Developer
  • Nursing 首页 营养师
  • 研究生院

For individuals who



Rigorous coursework in health, food and nutrition with science-based curriculum and hands-on learning experiences.


  • Sports 营养ist
  • 营养师 
  • Food Services Director
  • 营养 研究er
  • Diabetes Educator

Background Information

乐虎电子在食品和营养方面久负盛名. 自1925年以来, NDSU培养了活跃在全国营养专业领域的营养师和专业组织的领导者. The undergraduate program in dietetics is one of the finest in the nation. ndsu有两个本科营养学选择——营养师教育计划(DEP),专注于社区和运动营养, and the didactic program in dietetics (DPD).

注册营养师是一名完成至少四年大学学习并获得认可课程的理学学士学位的饮食从业者, as well as completing 1,000 hours of supervised practice. 成为 registered, a dietitian must pass a national registration examination. 营养师需要在他们的职业生涯中通过继续教育来更新他们的知识. Beginning in 2024, 所有新入职的营养师也将被要求持有硕士学位.

营养师 Education Program Option - Selective 入学

Accelerated BS/MS in Dietetics and 营养

The Accelerated BS/MS in Dietetics and 营养 combines the required 1,拥有营养学理学学士学位和运动科学与营养学理学硕士学位,在监督下进行了000小时的实践. 速成课程集中于社区营养或运动营养. 学生在五年后毕业,并为参加基于2024标准的饮食注册委员会考试做必要的准备. Students will complete a 3-phase application for this program. Students apply to the dietetics option by January 1 of year 2 (sophomore year), 在第二年(大二)之后的夏天向研究生院申请加速选项, and complete a 研究生院 application in the fall of year 3 (junior year). The 研究生 Registration Exam (GRE) is NOT required for application. Students begin the program during the spring of year 3 (junior year). Acceptance to the program is limited. 如果转学生打算转到新大并进入加速课程,我们强烈鼓励他们尽早与部门联系以获取信息. Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.5加2.75理科GPA. 营养与营养学加速学士/硕士课程由营养与营养学学会营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)认可。.

Didactic Program in Dietetics - Selective 入学

DPD包括营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)的所有学术课程要求。. 研究生s earn a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics. The application deadline is January 1 of the sophomore year. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0加2.75理科GPA. 接受DPD的学生应该意识到,为了成为注册营养师,他们必须完成实习(DI)。, and should have a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA. If the GPA is lower than that, it is less likely a student will be accepted into a DI. 工作经验, volunteer or paid, in healthcare food service, 或其他类型的营养或社区经验将增加学生获得DI的机会. 学生在成功完成注册营养师考试后,便有资格参加注册考试,成为注册营养师. 营养学实习在美国各地都有,时间从6个月到12个月不等. Beginning in 2024, 所有新入职的营养师除了完成DPD和DI考试外,还必须持有硕士学位. This program is also accredited by ACEND.

Additional Information

Career Opportunities

营养师s are employed in facilities such as hospitals, clinics and long-term care, providing nutrition therapy as well as foodservice administration. 营养师s work in various fields including high school, 大学, and professional sports, in business as sales or educational professionals, for commercial and government establishments, or in community or clinical settings and public health. 一些注册营养师为食品商品组织工作,如奶业委员会或小麦委员会. 营养师s work in education by teaching dietetics, nutrition and foodservice management in 大学s, 大学, medical schools and public school systems. In community settings, 营养师为市、县卫生部门提供咨询和营养服务, older American feeding programs, child care centers, school foodservice programs and in retail settings like grocery stores. 营养师s also work in wellness centers, hospitals and consulting positions as part of the health promotion team.

随着对食物和食物在人类健康中的作用的研究越来越多,营养学的实践也在不断变化. Many dietitians work in hospital settings, either in clinical management or nutrition therapy as clinical dietitians. 从事营养治疗的临床营养师评估病人的营养需求, 计划菜单, recommend or prescribe diets and nutritional support for patients, 向医生咨询,指导营养和特殊饮食方面的教育项目. 他们是医疗保健和健康设施跨学科团队的成员.


Placement surveys conducted in the Department of Health, 营养, 和运动科学的研究表明,超过90%的营养学毕业生在毕业后四个月内找到了自己所在领域的工作. It should be pointed out that employment is most favorable outside of Fargo. 在最近的研究中, 据预测,在未来的几年里,传统和非传统领域对营养师的需求都将持续. 在大学期间,学生有很多机会获得该领域的经验. 其中一些机会是通过多个保健设施提供的,如急症护理医院和疗养院, foodservice in a variety of venues, and public health service.

Academic Advisement

The Department of Health, 营养, 而运动科学则以对每个学生给予个性化的关注和建议而自豪. A faculty advisor is assigned to each dietetics major. The academic advisor helps students set goals for their 大学 work, 帮助他们选择课程,并鼓励他们在大学生涯中寻求社区工作经验. In addition to the academic advisor, 每个新生和转学生都被分配了一名学生顾问,帮助他们解决日常问题,并帮助他们适应大学生活.

High School Preparation

对营养学感兴趣的学生应该有自然科学和数学的背景. Strong communication skills, both oral and written, is an advantage to students considering dietetics.


人文科学与教育学院和营养与营养学学院提供大量奖学金. 联系 the department for more information or visit: http://kmpdyy.acpsecurity.net/hse/student_resources/hde_scholarships/