  • Special Education Aide
  • Youth Sports Coach
  • Health Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Behavioral Health Specialist
  • Performance Coach
  • Graduate School
  • Sports Marketing
  • Community Recreation Coordinator

For individuals who


Looking for

Opportunities to work with people, be physically active, and are interested in overall wellness, along with physical, biological and social sciences.

To become

  • Athletic Trainer
  • Wellness Specialist
  • Dance Coach
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Director of Athletics

The Physical Education Program includes two options

K-12 Teacher Licensure Option:

该执照计划为学生提供必要的技能和技巧,以开始K-12体育教育的成功教学生涯. 该项目与美国健康协会和体育教育家协会保持一致 Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Standards 以及北达科他州教育标准与实践委员会(ESPB)制定的体育标准. Courses are strategically structured to be sequential in nature. 教师候选人在学生教学之前通过各种实践教学经验来培养他们的教学技能和信心. 这些经历包括每年秋季和春季在校园举办的独特的NDSU Let's Move in Homeschool体育项目,以及收养乐虎电子学习项目.

Students take courses in both the Department of Health, 营养与运动科学(HNES)和教育学院(SOE). 当学生达到SOE规定的入学要求时,他们将被完全录取. 课程以一个学期的学生教学经验结束,该课程的毕业生符合K-12体育教育执照的要求.

该选项的教师候选人在正式被国企录取之前,可以注册300级专业教育课程. Prior to enrolling in the 400-level EDUC courses, teacher candidates must complete the application for admission to the SOE; earn required grades in all core physical education courses (as specified in the handbook); maintain at least a 2.75 cumulative grade point average in their course work and education courses; and pass the Core Academic Skills for Educators test or meet minimum scores on the ACT+. Requirements for admission can be found on the School of Education website.


学生教学(临床实践)是教学计划的高潮. During In the clinical practice, 在经验丰富的小学体育教师的指导下,将大学课程中获得的知识和技能乐虎集团到现实世界的课堂中, middle and high schools. NDSU的教师会定期进行现场访问以提供支持, encourage, 并对教师候选人进行评估,使他们在毕业后获得加入教师行业的信心和能力.

Double Major

建议体育专业的学生通过颁发证书来获得学位提升, certification or a double major. 体育课程的结构允许学生在同样的四年时间框架内完成健康教育专业. 获得额外的证书有助于培养未来的专业人士, 给他们更广泛的专业领域,使他们更有市场. 有关学校健康教育的进一步资料,请参阅 Health Education website.


Upon completing this program, 在大多数州,教师候选人都有资格获得体育教师执照. 我们的PETE项目获得了教育者准备认证委员会(CAEP)的认可,并获得了北达科他州教育标准与实践委员会(ESPB)的批准。.

Coaching and Physical Activity Leadership Option:

This option prepares students for careers in coaching, recreation, and youth physical activity programming. 该项目与美国健康和体育教育者协会(SHAPE)保持一致。 National Standards for Sports Coaches and promotes best practices in physical activity settings. Coursework focuses on youth development, injury care and prevention, planning and facilitation of physical activity programming, and instructional strategies for physical activity settings. 学生有机会在最后一个学期的实习经历之前从事各种领域的经验 . Students must maintain a 2.75 cumulative grade point average in order to graduate.


乐虎电子的体育专业学习如何使用和乐虎集团各种技术和软件来分析体育活动技能和策略, 评估学生/运动员在达到标准和成果/目标方面的进展, 并反思他们的教学/辅导效果和学生/运动员的进步.

Career Opportunities

体育专业的毕业生在公立和私立教育机构都有教书的工作机会, coaching within the community, athletic programs including college athletics, community sports positions with parks and recreation facilities, and/or local recreation organizations such as the YMCA. 如果对高等教育机构的教练感兴趣,鼓励学生保持3分.以增加他们被研究生院接受的可能性,以攻读这个级别的教练所需的硕士学位.